
Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Day in the Life...

Went to work today where I...

...taught some physics,

...taught some chemistry,

...played some bass,

...graded some stuff,

...planned a lab,

...wrote a test,

...then I went home where, on the way I...

...stopped off for dinner and a beer with a lady friend...

...stopped at a junkyard in a tie and wingtips and got some shit, all the while getting frickin' weird looks from the Hispanic guys who work there, and managed to not get any grease on my pants...

...stopped by my folks' to grab my dad's onboard-diagnostics scanner so I could work on my buddy Big Larry's car, where I...

...hung out with my dog for a while and loved the hell out of her,

...drank a couple beers with my dad and his friend Ted, then I...

...went home and worked with Bauler for a while on his Environmental Biology class, then we...

...went to Barnes and Noble where I...

...bought a copy of "The Fifth Element," "Labyrinth (fukkin' David Bowie fukkin' rocks that shit)", "The Dark Crystal (muppets with baaaaad attitudes)", and "Tucker, The Man and His Dream,"...

...perused the Illinois section for ghost books and found none that I didn't already have,

...gave dirty looks to the dude behind the counter who tried to charge me double for a copy of Newkirk's Guide to the Totally Boned, put it back on the rack and told him to piss off, then I...

...went home and tried to take a look at my cat, who hurt his paw yesterday (unsuccessful)...

...watched "That Thing You Do", then I...

...wrote this crazy little bullshit blog all the while fighting the pop-ups and intermittenly surfing YouTube and Newgrounds. Now I will... through some tunes for the gig Friday night, or I...

...might just say "fuck it" and head off to bed, where I...

...plan to sleep like a corpse while hopefully the Benadryl takes hold and I won't wake up feeling like my head is still full of wet cotton, then I...

...will wake up and head off to another day in my weird schizo life and will most likely have some fun. Or so I hope. And, with luck, the next blog will not be so inane. Let's see what happens.


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